
My photo
I am Dr kathy and I like health life!

This is kathy's health blog ,she talk about all disease experience! You will find the helpful informations!

May 14, 2009


The way that your forum looks will have a large influence on
the way that people feel about using it.

There are essentially two styles of web based forum. The first
is called "THREADED". A threaded forum shows all the various
discussions on one long scrollable screen. Older messages will
sometimes be archived on further pages.

Take a look at the way that my own THREADED "How To" Marketer
Forum looks at http://www.talkmydisease.com/

Feel free to have a read and make a couple of posts for
yourself to get a feel as to how it operates.

The other main web based forum style is called "LINEAR". This
kind of forum only shows the subject titles for each discussion
and you then "drill down" into the discussion itself by
clicking on the headline.

I had note this on my new google notebook~
Here:Kathy's health notebook