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I am Dr kathy and I like health life!

This is kathy's health blog ,she talk about all disease experience! You will find the helpful informations!

Apr 5, 2009

i really think GP's should know more about liver disease

my son was not born with jaundice but developed it after my GPs said hes jaundice but it'll clear he was diagnosed at 8 weeks old purely becuse i took him to hospital for vomiting, im appauled tht in so many cases it isnt picked up earlier if it had been much later he wouldve needed liver transplant then he has biliary artresia but im told at some point will need a transplant.

I totally agree with what you have said and I am trying my hardest to spread the word. Ellie was diagnosed at 3 months as the doctor said it was prolonged jaundice due to brest feeding-he had never come across a case like Ellie before. Ellie was so serverly ill that she was put on the top of the priority list for a transplant. She was given a couple of days to live when we were lucky enough to get a donor. If GP's knew more and gave jaundiced babies a routine blood test at 14 days old if not clearing - or it had started to develop, alot of children would live, or at least be given the treatment needed asap.

If you contact the CLDF they run courses/study days for GP's and any health professional. Please see link on group page and you can take in the information to your local surgery.

Good Luck and best wishes