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I am Dr kathy and I like health life!

This is kathy's health blog ,she talk about all disease experience! You will find the helpful informations!

May 16, 2009

What people are saying about Rally

"It's very easy to introduce the Rally Program to your school. For us it began with a school assembly and a short video. Everyone was very excited about the program and eager to get started. Our St. Jude representative was very helpful throughout the process. She carefully explained instructions and was present every step of the way." -Jason, student, Georgetown Preparatory School

"To date, this is the largest task our student council has ever taken upon themselves, and it was a success. It was a blessing to see so many high school students came together with one purpose, helping the children of St. Jude. In a day and age in which educators are all too often focusing on test scores and performance, we were able to witness what truly matters most-giving and caring for others." -Chris Kerrick, Student Council Sponsor, Marshall County High School, Benton, KY

"I really loved the Rally Against Childhood Cancer event. I really never want to leave the St. Jude family. I had the best time and my St. Jude representative was so fun and helpful. Wherever I go next year, Rally is coming with me. I'm addicted." -Pat Lambert, senior, Portsmouth High School, Portsmouth, RI

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